Using Blacktop For Custom Driveway Pavement Solution.
Whether you are looking forward to laying a driveway in your home or business premises, it is essential to think of the best paving surface. With many paving surfaces in the market today, there are so many options for you to choose from. What distinguishes all these materials is their quality. Laying down a driveway is an investment that involves a lot of cash. Thus, you probably want to do it once in a lifetime. When choosing materials, the most commonly used is the concrete and Blacktop. NVN Paving has for years been installing these two surfaces. Our clients mainly come requesting concrete installation but always, we recommend the blacktop surface. Below are some of the reasons why Blacktop is better than concrete.

Blacktop driveway paving ideas.
Blacktop is a mixture of gravel, bitumen, and water. The central element of the materials making up the Blacktop is petroleum. With the rise in oil prices, the Blacktop is slowly becoming unpopular. Also, its unpopularity is hyped by the fact that people think it is only a standard black surface with no beauty element. However, some ideas will help you make your driveways elegant, and some cheaper options to maintain them. Here are some of them.

Colored and stamped blacktop driveway
As the name suggests, the Blacktop is mainly black. However, it is possible to create a decorative blacktop of other colors. Experts are capable of coming up with colored and stamped blacktop driveways. It can be creamy, bold, or soft colors. Staying in a driveway with steel is also possible so that they are similar to bricks or stones.

Tar and chip driveways
Tar and chip driveway will have a close resemblance to gravel. This is a blacktop driveway with stone aggregates planted on the surface. Though this driveway can provide an elegant look, removing the snow in winter is pretty challenging. Also, it does not require sealing and is cheap to maintain.

Recycled blacktop driveway
For this, an already existing blacktop surface is ground into pieces. We relay the trim details to become the new driveway paving. Since a lot of oil is still present, the ground-up pavement will, with time, bind together and become cohesive. This type of paving is more economical than laying a new one.
Benefits of Using Blacktop on Your Pavements
Faster to install and use
It is easy to install blacktops. Lacking the Blacktop can take one or two days, even with big projects. On the other hand, concrete takes longer to set and can be twice the time used to lay the blacktops. On the same note, once the blacktop setting is complete, it will be used in one or two days. This is different from concrete. For concrete to cure completely, it requires even five days.
Durable and low maintenance cost
Blacktop will offer you decades of service without requiring any repair or maintenance. It is not subjected to cracking like concrete will if installed the wrong way. Due to decolorations, concrete will need you to do it again after a few years. With Blacktop, you do not need to worry about its services. Once installed, even in heavy traffic areas, expect many decades of service. In case of cracks in your blacktop driveway, you can quickly repair it. All you need are crack sealant products widely available in the market. This simple repair will keep your blacktop driveway running for many years. Additionally, repairs made on the Blacktop will form less visible patches on the surface. This differs from concrete, where you can tell the difference from a distance.
Additional merits
With its black color, the Blacktop will retain more solar heat. You will not realize the benefit arising from this until the winter season. Snow on Blacktop tends to melt faster than on other materials like concrete. Also, you do not need to worry about discoloration with the Blacktop. With the mixture in making it, it will take years to notice discoloration on the Blacktop.
Blacktop is Cost-effective
As earlier said, it is easy to lay blacktop surfaces. Therefore, this translates to low labor costs since you only need a few experts to finish the job. Also, since the materials used to make the mixture are cheap, the blacktop price is relatively low and affordable.